Abnormal Device Distribution Detection identifies patterns based on operating system, browser version, device model and user agent.
The definition of what is considered as an old device is set on the filter itself under Rules.
Filter settings:
- Lookback interval (Time interval that is considered detection)
- Threshold: Defines from what percentage from organic device distribution is allowed. Conversion that belong to abnormal device distribution above the threshold will be rejected.
Click here for a prewritten Email Template.
Advanced Reason: User Agent Pattern
Marks excessive amounts of the same User Agent.
To reproduce this reason go to the selected source (affiliate, product, partner and time frame) inside the fraud report, click on Fraud Profile, and then go to Browsers, OS & ISP and scroll down to Top Detected User Agents to see how many times the same user agent repeated itself.
While duplicate User Agents are fine, seeing one User Agent significantly more than others is suspicious respectively fraud in excessive amounts, i.e.:
Top Detected User Agents
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0 - 3000 times
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0 - 1 time
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0 - 1 time
Advanced Reason: Excessive old Devices - IOS 8
Marks excessive Amounts of IOS 8.
To reproduce this reason go to the selected source (affiliate, product, partner and time frame) inside the fraud report, click on Fraud Profile, and then go to Browsers, OS & ISP and scroll down to the charts with Browser versions and operating systems to look at proportions.
To see up-to-date statistics on what the distribution should look like, check the official Apple developer page:
Advanced Reason: Excessive old Devices - IOS 9
Marks excessive Amounts of IOS 9.
To reproduce this reason go to the selected source (affiliate, product, partner and time frame) inside the fraud report, click on Fraud Profile, and then go to Browsers, OS & ISP and scroll down to the charts with Browser versions and operating systems to look at proportions.
To see up-to-date statistics on what the distribution should look like, check the official Apple developer page:
Advanced Reason: Excessive old Devices - Android
Marks excessive Amounts of devices with old Android versions.
To reproduce this reason go to the selected source (affiliate, product, partner and time frame) inside the fraud report, click on Fraud Profile, and then go to Browsers, OS & ISP and scroll down to the charts with Browser versions and operating systems to look at proportions.
To see up-to-date statistics on what the distribution should look like, check the official Android developer page below:
Advanced Reason: Excessive old Devices - Chrome Versions
Marks excessive Amounts of devices with old Chrome versions.
To reproduce this reason go to the selected source (affiliate, product, partner and time frame) inside the fraud report, click on Fraud Profile, and then go to Browsers, OS & ISP and scroll down to the charts with Browser versions and operating systems to look at proportions.
To see up-to-date statistics on what the distribution should look like, check the page below: