Proxy / VPN Detection identifies conversions coming from proxies, common cloud platforms, TOR and VPNs.
Users originating from a proxy or a VPN are actively hiding their identity or making conversions from an unwanted GEO. While 1% proxy rates are acceptable anything beyond 5% of traffic being proxies or VPNs is considered fraud.
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Advanced Reason: Server Hosting
Marks Conversions of known Server Hosting and VPN/ Proxy Providers.
To reproduce this reason check the ISP (Internet Service Provider) column inside the conversion report and google the ISP name. In the majority of cases it will easily link to an unwanted ISP.
Advanced Reason: Cloud Platform
Marks Conversions of known cloud platform providers.
To reproduce this reason check the ISP (Internet Service Provider) column inside the conversion report and google the ISP name in order to prove conversions are coming from a cloud platform.
Advanced Reason: Open VPN Ports
Marks Conversions where IPs have VPN Ports open at the time the conversion was made.
Among various port combinations scanned are Semaphore, SNPP and PPTP ports.
Advanced Reason: VPN / Proxy Database
Marks Conversions from the VPN/ Proxy IP Database.
While most proxies or VPNs are made available by services such as Privax or set up on datacenter infrastructure it is not uncommon for proxy, VPN and TOR nodes to exist on residential or mobile carrier IPs.
Our database is updated in real-time using proprietary proxy-piercing technology as well as data from external partners.