Custom Filter Group
Custom Filter Groups can be created in order to apply different rules to specific Offers / Publishers or Advertisers. This new rules will ignore the Default Filter Group and will be applied only to the sources speficied in the group settings.
To create a custom group, go to Filters and click on + NEW FILTER GROUP button
Select the Interation where this filter sets should be applied and insert Advertiser, Publisher and/or Offer that will be screened byt this specific Custom Filters.
For example: if you insert Publisher 1 and 2 and Offer A and B, the rules set in this group will only be applied to Publishers 2 and 2 and Offers A and B. All other partners, offers and Advertisers will follow the rules included in the Default.
Then define the filters and values to use for this case. Switch on each filter to be activated and, if necessary, adkust the values to match your goals:
Clicks Save and it's done.