Marks conversions above or below a defined Conversion Rate limit
Multiple Conversion Rate Intervals are allowed: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly.
When a Conversion Rate is outside the defined metrics the related conversions are marked as rejected. Additionally to that there is an option to automatically Block Clicks from this Publisher / SubID.
Minimum Conversion Threshold:
- Defines the minimum number of conversions to be within this timeframe to apply the conversion filter. This is done to prevent false flaggings at low non statistically significant numbers.
Minimum Click Threshold:
- Defines the minimum number of click to be within this timeframe to apply the conversion filter. This is done to prevent false flaggings at low non statistically significant numbers.
Check by SubID:
- Option to include the SubID in the Conversion Rate Check.
In the example below the conversion rate will be calculated separately for these combinations.
- Publisher A + SubID 1
- Publisher A + SubID 2
Block Clicks: When activated Clicks from this Publisher or SubID will be blocked to further send clicks.
Note: If you want to allow a specific SubID after you can disable the filter or create a specific Filter Group with including this SubID.