The Fraudshield Landing Page gives you a quick but detailed overview of your data. With the different visualisations you can quickly identify anomalies.
Diagrams with Time Sequence
From the time diagram you can get different information. By clicking the buttons in the upper right corner you can switch between 3 different diagrams:
1. Approved/Rejected Conversions
- shows the number of conversions per day and how many of them have been approved and rejected
- when hovering over a bar you see the precise figures for both groups
2. Traffic Levels by Tracker
- shows the number of conversions per day and per integration
- when hovering over a bar you see the precise figures for each integration
3. Rejected Conversions by Fraud Types
- shows the number of rejected conversions rejection reason
- when hovering over a bar you see the precise figures for rejection reason
Rejection Rate Diagrams
- shows the number of approved/rejected clicks and the rejection rate
Today's Top Rejection Reasons
Top Fraudulent Products/Partners/Affiliates
The table shows the number of conversions and the rejection rate per product. With the button in the upper right corner you can switch to the top fraudulent partners or the top fraudulent affiliates.
Fraud per Country
It can also be interesting to analyse the regional distribution of fraud. Especially the heat map can give a quick overview for this which includes the data of the last 7 days.
The Landing Page also provides the countries with highest and the lowest rejection rates. A time period of 7 days was considered for this purpose.