Diagram: Domain Level Click Integration with Emulated Tracked Link Format
API Integration with Clicks
If you cannot / want to route the traffic through 24metrics then you can make an API request for every click to our server including IP, User Agent, Publisher, SubID etc. and we respond with the result in Json Format (25ms response time).
How it works
Example Click API Call
Click API Response
"reason": "DUPLICATE_IP",
"status": "rejected"
b) You listen to our response and block clicks that have been flagged as rejected from our service. In this setup you decide whether you want to redirect or block rejected clicks. Our API responds within 25ms and automatically routes the requests to the closest server. For security/stability reasons we recommend implementing a circuit breaker in case the latency is above 150ms to avoid any issues in case of maintenance / technical issues.
Extended Click API Response (only use if needed)